Bowel (Colon / Colorectal) Cancer

General Info

Bowel cancer is a general term for cancer that begins in the large bowel. Depending on where the cancer starts, bowel cancer is sometimes called colon cancer or rectal cancer. Symptoms of bowel cancer include blood in your stools (faeces), an unexplained change in your bowel habits, such as prolonged diarrhoea or constipation, and unexplained weight loss. Cancer can sometimes start in the small bowel (small intestine), but small bowel cancer is much rarer than large bowel cancer.

Schematic diagram showing how different pathologies can affect the large colon, including bowel cancer. 

Who is affected by bowel cancer?

In England, bowel cancer is the third most common type of cancer. In 2009, there were 41,142 new cases of bowel cancer registered in the UK:
  • 18,431 cases were diagnosed in women, making it the second most common cancer in women after breast cancer
  • 22,711 cases were diagnosed in men, making it the third most common cancer after prostate and lung cancer.

Approximately 72% of bowel cancer cases develop in people who are 65 or over. Two-thirds of bowel cancers develop in the colon, with the remaining third developing in the rectum.

Map showing how the population in the different USA states, is affected by bowel cancer. 

Who is at risk?

Things that increase your risk of getting bowel cancer include:
  • Age – around 72% of people diagnosed with bowel cancer are over 65
  • Diet – a diet high in fibre and low in saturated fat could reduce your bowel cancer risk, a diet high in red or processed meats can increase your risk
  • Healthy weight – leaner people are less likely to develop bowel cancer than obese people
  • Exercise – being inactive increases the risk of getting bowel cancer
  • Alcohol and smoking – high alcohol intake and smoking may increase your chances of getting bowel cancer
  • Family history and inherited conditions – aving a close relative with bowel cancer puts you at much greater risk of developing the disease.
  • Related conditions – having certain bowel conditions can put you more at risk of getting bowel cancer.

Table showing some basic facts about bowel cancer.

Bowel cancer screening

Currently, everyone between the ages of 60 and 69 is offered bowel cancer screening every two years, and the screening programme is currently being extended in England to those aged 70 to 75. Screening is carried out by taking a small stool sample and testing it for the presence of blood (faecal occult blood test).

In addition, an extra screening test is being introduced over the next three years for all people at age 55. This test involves a camera examination of the lower bowel called a flexible sigmoidoscopy. Screening plays an important part in the fight against bowel cancer because the earlier the cancer is diagnosed, the greater the chance it can be cured completely.

Treatment and outlook

Bowel cancer can be treated using a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and, in some cases, biological therapy. As with most types of cancer, the chance of a complete cure depends on how far the cancer has advanced by the time it is diagnosed.

If bowel cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stages, the chance of surviving a further five years is 90%, and a complete cure is usually possible. However, bowel cancer diagnosed in its most advanced stage only has a five-year survival rate of 6% and a complete cure is unlikely.

Causes of bowel cancer 

Cancer occurs when the cells in a certain area of your body divide and multiply too rapidly. This produces a lump of tissue known as a tumour. Most cases of bowel cancer first develop inside clumps of cells on the inner lining of the bowel. These clumps are known as polyps. However, if you develop polyps, it does not necessarily mean you will get bowel cancer. Exactly what causes cancer to develop inside the bowel is still unknown. However, research has shown several factors may make you more likely to develop it.

Family history

There is evidence that bowel cancer can run in families. Around 20% of people who develop bowel cancer have a close relative (mother, father, brother or sister) or a second-degree relative (grandparent, uncle or aunt) who have also had bowel cancer.

It is estimated that if you have one close relative with a history of bowel cancer, your risk of getting bowel cancer is doubled. If you have two close relatives with a history of bowel cancer, your risk increases four-fold.


A large body of evidence suggests a diet high in red and processed meat can increase your risk of developing bowel cancer. For this reason, the Department of Health advises people who eat more than 90 grams (cooked weight) of red and processed meat a day to cut down to 70 grams. 

There is also good evidence that a diet high in fibre and low in saturated fat could help reduce your bowel cancer risk. Cancer experts think this is because this type of diet encourages regular bowel movements.


People who smoke cigarettes are 25% more likely to develop bowel cancer, other types of cancer and heart disease than people who do not smoke.


A major study, called the EPIC study, showed alcohol was associated with bowel cancer risk. Even small amounts of alcohol can put you at higher risk of getting bowel cancer. The EPIC study found that for every two units of alcohol a person drinks each day, their risk of bowel cancer goes up by 8%.


Obesity is linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer. Obese men are 50% more likely to develop bowel cancer than people with a healthy weight. Morbidly obese men, who have a body mass index (BMI) of over 40, are twice as likely to develop bowel cancer. Obese women have a small increased risk of developing the condition, and morbidly obese women are 50% more likely to develop bowel cancer than women with a healthy weight.


People who are physically inactive have a higher risk of developing bowel cancer. You can help reduce your risk of bowel and other cancers by being physically active every day. Your risk could be cut by up to one-fifth if you do an hour of vigorous exercise every day or two hours of moderate exercise (such as vacuum cleaning or brisk walking).

Digestive disorders

Some conditions may put you at a higher risk of developing bowel cancer. People with Crohn’s disease are 2-3 times more likely to develop bowel cancer. The risk of developing bowel cancer is much higher in people with ulcerative colitis, and as many as 1 in 20 of these people will go on to develop it.

Genetic conditions

There are two rare inherited conditions that can cause bowel cancer. They are:
  • familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
  • hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), also known as Lynch syndrome.

FAP affects 1 in 10,000 people. The condition triggers the growth of non-cancerous polyps inside the bowel. Although the polyps are non-cancerous, there is a high risk that, over time, at least one will turn cancerous. Almost all people with FAP will have bowel cancer by the time they are 50 years of age.

People with FAP have such a high risk of getting bowel cancer, they are often advised by their doctor to have their large bowel removed by surgery before they reach the age of 25. Families affected can find support and advice from the FAP registry at St Mark’s Hospital, London.

HNPCC is a type of bowel cancer caused by a mutated gene. An estimated 2-5% of all cases of bowel cancer are due to HNPCC. Around 90% of men and 70% of women with the HNPCC mutation will develop bowel cancer by the time they are 70 years of age. As with FAP, removing the bowel as a precautionary measure is usually recommended in people with HNPCC.


Early bowel cancer may have no symptoms and some symptoms of later bowel cancer can also occur in people with less serious medical problems, such as haemorrhoids (piles). You must see your doctor if you notice any of the symptoms below. The initial symptoms of bowel cancer include:
  • blood in your stools (faeces) or bleeding from your rectum
  • a change to your normal bowel habits that persists for more than three weeks, such as diarrhoea, constipation or passing stools more frequently than usual
  • abdominal pain 
  • unexplained weight loss.

As bowel cancer progresses, it can sometimes cause bleeding inside the bowel. Eventually, this can lead to your body not having enough red blood cells. This is known as anaemia.
Symptoms of anaemia include:
  • fatigue
  • breathlessness.

In some cases, bowel cancer can cause an obstruction in the bowel. Symptoms of a bowel obstruction include:
  • a feeling of bloating, usually around the belly button
  • abdominal pain
  • constipation
  • vomiting.

When to seek medical advice

You should see your doctor if you have any of the symptoms above. While the symptoms are unlikely to be the result of bowel cancer, these types of symptoms always need to be investigated further.

Diagnosing bowel cancer 

When you first see your doctor they will ask about your symptoms and whether you have a family history of bowel cancer. They will then carry out a physical examination known as a digital rectal examination (DRE). A DRE involves your doctor gently placing their finger into your anus, and then up into your rectum.

A DRE is a useful way of checking whether there is a noticeable lump inside your rectum. This is found in an estimated 40-80% of cases of rectal cancer. A DRE is not painful, but some people may find it a little embarrassing. If your symptoms suggest you may have bowel cancer, or the diagnosis is uncertain, you will be referred to your local hospital for further examination. 

Early diagnosis of bowel cancer results in more effective treatment and hence longer survival.

Further examination

Two tests are commonly used to confirm a diagnosis of bowel cancer:
  • A sigmoidoscopy is an examination of your rectum and some of your large bowel.
  • A colonoscopy is an examination of all of your large bowel.


A sigmoidoscopy uses a device called a sigmoidoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube attached to a small camera and light. The sigmoidoscope is inserted into your rectum and then up into your bowel. The camera relays images to a monitor. This allows the doctor to check for any abnormal areas within the rectum or bowel that could be the result of cancer.

A sigmoidoscopy can also be used to remove small samples of suspected cancerous tissue so they can be tested in the lab. This is known as a biopsy. A sigmoidoscopy is not usually painful, but can feel uncomfortable. Most people go home after the examination has been completed.


A colonoscopy is similar to a sigmoidoscopy except a longer tube, called a colonoscope, is used to examine your entire bowel. Your bowel needs to be empty when a colonoscopy is performed, so you will be given a special diet to eat for a few days before the examination and a laxative (medication to help empty your bowel) on the morning of the examination.

You will be given a sedative to help you relax, after which the doctor will insert the colonoscope into your rectum and move it along the length of your large bowel. As with a sigmoidoscope, the colonoscope can be used to obtain a biopsy, as well as relaying images of any abnormal areas.

Schematic diagram showing how a colonoscopy is performed, and some of the most common pathologies at the different parts of the large bowel.

A colonoscopy usually takes about one hour to complete, and most people can go home once they have recovered from the effects of the sedative. After the procedure, you will probably feel drowsy for a while, so arrange for someone to accompany you home.

Further testing

If a diagnosis of bowel cancer is confirmed, further testing is usually carried out for two reasons:
  • to check if the cancer has spread from the bowel to other parts of the body
  • to help decide on the most effective treatment for you.

These tests can include:
  • a computerised tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to provide a detailed image of your bowel and other organs 
  • ultrasound scans, which can be used to look inside other organs, such as your liver, to see if the cancer has spread there
  • chest X-rays, which can be used to assess the state of your heart and lungs
  • blood tests to detect a special protein, known as a tumour marker, released by the cancerous cells in some cases of bowel cancer. 

Staging and grading

Once the above examinations and tests have been completed, it should be possible to determine the stage and grade of your cancer. Staging refers to how far your cancer has advanced. Grading relates to how aggressive and likely to spread your cancer is.
  • Stage 1 – the cancer is still contained within the lining of the bowel or rectum
  • Stage 2 – the cancer has spread into the layer of muscle surrounding the bowel
  • Stage 3 – the cancer has spread into nearby lymph nodes
  • Stage 4 – the cancer has spread into another part of the body, such as the liver.

This is a simplified guide. Stage 2 is divided into further categories called A and B and stage 3 is divided into A, B and C.
There are three grades of bowel cancer:
  • Grade 1 is a cancer that grows slowly and has a low chance of spreading beyond the bowel
  • Grade 2 is a cancer that grows moderately and has a medium chance of spreading beyond the bowel
  • Grade 3 is a cancer that grows rapidly and has a high chance of spreading beyond the bowel.

If you are not sure what stage or grade of cancer you have, ask your doctor.

Treating bowel cancer 

People with bowel cancer should be cared for by a multidisciplinary team (MDT). This is a team of specialists who work together to provide the best treatment and care. The team often consists of a specialist cancer surgeon, an oncologist (a radiotherapy and chemotherapy specialist), a radiologist, pathologist, radiographer and a specialist nurse. Other members may include a physiotherapist, dietitian and occupational therapist, and you may have access to clinical psychology support.
When deciding what treatment is best for you, your doctors will consider:
  • the type and size of the cancer
  • your general health
  • whether the cancer has spread to other parts of your body
  • what grade it is.

There are several treatments for bowel cancer, including:
  • surgery
  • chemotherapy 
  • radiotherapy 
  • biological therapy.

Surgery is usually the main treatment for bowel cancer, but in about one in five cases, the cancer is too advanced to be removed by surgery. If you have surgery, you may also need chemotherapy, radiotherapy or biological therapy, depending on your particular case.

Your treatment plan

Your recommended treatment plan will depend on the stage and location of your bowel cancer. If the cancer is confined to your rectum, radiotherapy will usually be used to shrink the tumour, then surgery may be used to remove the tumour. Sometimes, radiotherapy is combined with chemotherapy, which is known as chemoradiation.

If you have stage 1 bowel cancer, it should be possible to surgically remove the cancer and no further treatment will be required. If you have stage 2 or 3 bowel cancer, surgery may be used to remove the cancer and, in some cases, nearby lymph nodes. Surgery is usually followed by a course of chemotherapy to stop the cancer returning.

It is not usually possible to cure stage 4 (advanced) cancer. However, symptoms can be controlled and the spread of the cancer can be slowed using a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and biological therapy where appropriate.

Surgery - colon cancer

If the cancer is at a very early stage, it may be possible to remove just a small piece of the lining of the colon wall. This is known as local excision. If the cancer spread into muscles surrounding the colon, it will usually be necessary to remove an entire section of your colon. Removing some of the colon is known as a colectomy. Depending on the location of the cancer, possible surgical procedures include:
  • left-hemi colectomy – where the left half of your colon is removed
  • transverse colectomy – where the middle section of your colon is removed
  • right-hemi colectomy – where the right half of your colon is removed
  • sigmoid colectomy – where the lower section of your colon is removed.

There are two ways a colectomy can be performed:
  • In an open colectomy, the surgeon makes a large incision in your abdomen and removes a section of your colon.
  • A laparoscopic colectomy is a type of ‘keyhole surgery’, where the surgeon makes a number of small incisions in your abdomen and uses special instruments guided by a camera to remove a section of colon.

Both techniques are thought equally effective in removing cancer and have similar risks of complications. Laparoscopic colectomies have the advantage of a faster recovery time and less post-operative pain. Laparoscopic colectomies should now be available in all hospitals carrying out bowel cancer surgery, although not all surgeons perform this type of surgery. If you are considering having your bowel cancer surgery done using keyhole surgery, discuss this with your surgeon.

During surgery, nearby lymph nodes may also be removed. It is usual to join the ends of the bowel together after bowel cancer surgery, but very occasionally this is not possible and a stoma is needed.

Enhanced recovery programmes

Enhanced recovery surgical programmes should be used for most bowel cancer patients. These programmes differ from traditional surgery by:
  • ensuring patients are in the best possible physical condition before surgery
  • minimising the trauma patients go through during surgery - for example, minimally invasive surgery when possible and better pain control
  • ensuring patients experience the best possible rehabilitation after surgery.

Stoma surgery

In some cases, the surgeon may decide the colon needs to heal before it can be reattached, or that too much of the colon has been removed to make reattachment possible. In this case, it will be necessary to find a way of removing waste materials from your body without stools passing through your anus. This is done using stoma surgery.

Stoma surgery involves the surgeon making a small hole in your abdomen, which is known as a stoma. There are two ways that stoma surgery can be carried out.
  • An ileostomy is where a stoma is made in the right-hand side of your abdomen. Your small intestine is separated from your colon and connected to the stoma, and the rest of the colon is sealed. You will need to wear a pouch connected to the stoma to collect waste material.
  • A colostomy is where a stoma is made in your lower abdomen and a section of the colon is removed and connected to the stoma. As with an ileostomy, you will need to wear a pouch to collect waste material.

In most cases, the stoma will be temporary and can be removed once your colon has recovered from the effects of the surgery. This will usually take at least nine weeks. Specialist stoma nurses are available to advise on the best site for a stoma, and about the best sort of pouch to cover the stoma and collect the waste material. Before you have a colectomy, your care team will tell you whether they think stoma surgery will be necessary and the likelihood that you will need to have a temporary or permanent ileostomy or colostomy.

Surgery - rectal cancer

Two common surgical procedures can be used to treat rectal cancers:
  • low anterior resection
  • abdominoperineal resection.

Low anterior resection

Low anterior resection is a procedure used to treat cases where the cancer is in the upper section of your rectum. The surgeon will make an incision in your abdomen and remove the upper section of your rectum, as well as some surrounding tissue to make sure any lymph glands containing cancer cells are also removed. 

They will then attach your colon to the lowest part of your rectum or upper part of the anal canal. Sometimes, they turn the end of the colon into an internal pouch to replace the rectum. You will probably require a temporary stoma to give the join-up time to heal.

Abdominoperineal resection

Abdominoperineal resection is used to treat cases where the cancer is in the lowest section of your rectum. In this case, it will be necessary to remove the whole of your rectum and surrounding muscles to reduce the risk of the cancer regrowing in the same area. 

This involves removing the anus and its sphincter muscles too, so there is no option except to have a permanent stoma after the operation. Bowel cancer surgeons always do their best to avoid giving people permanent stomas wherever possible.

Side effects of surgery

Bowel cancer operations carry the same risks as other major operations, including the risks of bleeding, infection, developing blood clots or heart or breathing problems. One risk is that the join-up in the bowel may not heal properly and may leak inside your abdomen. This is usually only a risk in the first few days after the operation. 

Another risk is for patients having rectal cancer surgery. The nerves controlling passing urine and sexual function are very close to the rectum, and sometimes an operation to remove a rectal cancer can damage these nerves. After bowel cancer surgery, the bowel is shorter than it used to be. This results in some patients needing to go to the toilet to open their bowels more often than before. This usually settles down within three to six months of the operation. 


There are two main ways that radiotherapy can be used to treat bowel cancer. It can be:
  • given before surgery, in cases of rectal cancer
  • used to control symptoms and slow the spread of cancer, in cases of advanced bowel cancer (called palliative radiotherapy).

Radiotherapy given before surgery for rectal cancer can be performed in two ways:
  • external radiotherapy, where a machine is used to beam high-energy waves at your rectum to kill cancerous cells
  • internal radiotherapy (also known as brachytherapy), where a radioactive tube is inserted into your anus and placed next to the tumour to shrink it.

External radiotherapy is usually given daily, five days a week, with a break at the weekend. Depending on the size of your tumour, you may need one to five weeks of treatment. Each session of radiotherapy is short and will only last for 10-15 minutes. Internal radiotherapy can usually be performed in one session before surgery is carried out a few weeks later. Palliative radiotherapy is usually given in short, daily sessions, with a course ranging from 2-3 days to 10 days. Short-term side effects of radiotherapy include:
  • nausea
  • fatigue
  • diarrhoea
  • burning and irritation of the skin around the rectum and pelvis (this looks and feels like sunburn)
  • a frequent need to urinate
  • a burning sensation when passing urine.

These side effects should pass once the course of radiotherapy has finished. Tell your care team if the side effects of treatment become particularly troublesome. Additional treatments are often available to help you cope better with the side effects.
Long-term side effects of radiotherapy include:
  • a more frequent need to pass urine or stools
  • blood in your urine and stools
  • infertility
  • impotence in men.

If you want to have children, it may be possible to store a sample of your sperm or eggs before treatment begins so they can be used in fertility treatments in the future. 


There are three ways chemotherapy can be used to treat bowel cancer. It can be:
  • given before surgery for rectal cancer in combination with radiotherapy
  • given after surgery to prevent the return of cancer
  • given to slow the spread of advanced bowel cancer and help control symptoms (palliative chemotherapy).

Chemotherapy for bowel cancer usually involves taking a combination of medications that kill cancer cells. They can be given as a tablet (oral chemotherapy), through a drip in your arm or chest (intravenous chemotherapy), or as a combination of both. Depending on the stage and grade of your cancer, a single session of intravenous chemotherapy can last from several hours to several days.

Most people have regular daily sessions of chemotherapy over the course of one or two weeks before having a break from treatment for another week. A course of chemotherapy can last up to six months depending on how well you respond to the treatment. Side effects of chemotherapy include:
  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • mouth ulcers
  • hair loss
  • redness and soreness on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet
  • a sensation of numbness, tingling or burning in your hands, feet and neck.

These side effects should gradually pass once your treatment has finished. It usually takes three to six months for your hair to grow back. Chemotherapy can also weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to infection. Inform your care team or doctor as soon as possible if you experience possible signs of an infection, including:
  • a high temperature (fever) of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or above
  • a sudden feeling of being generally unwell.

Medications used in chemotherapy can cause temporary damage to men's sperm and women's eggs. This means that for women who become pregnant or for men who father a child, there is a risk to the unborn baby’s health. Therefore, it is recommended you use a reliable method of contraception while having chemotherapy treatment and for a further year after your treatment has finished. 

Chemotherapy is the use of 'anti-cancer' (also known as cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells in the body. Chemotherapy is used at different stages of treatment, and can be used in combination to make other treatments more effective:
  • 'Neo-adjuvant' – to shrink the tumour(s) before surgery in order to get a better outcome following the operation.
  • 'Adjuvant' – to destroy any microscopic cancer cells that may remain after the cancer is removed by surgery and reduce the possibility of the cancer returning.
  • 'First-line' – chemotherapy that has been shown, through extensive clinical trials and research, to be the best option for the type of cancer being treated.
  • 'Second-line' – chemotherapy that has been shown, through extensive clinical trials and research, to be the best option if the disease has not responded to first-line chemotherapy or has recurred.
  • 'Palliative' – to relieve symptoms and slow the spread of the cancer, if a cure is not possible.

How will I receive chemotherapy?

In order for the chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells in the body, the drugs must be absorbed into your blood and carried throughout your body. The chemotherapy drugs can be given in different ways:
  • Oral chemotherapy: If your chemotherapy drug is available as a tablet you can swallow, this can be taken at home. You only go to the hospital for routine outpatients' appointments, which include a blood test. As oral chemotherapies can cause side-effects it is important to keep a diary of how you are feeling and possible side-effects to ensure that you are able to identify and report them to your medical team immediately.
  • Intravenous (IV) injection: The treatment is injected into a vein. There are a wide range of schedules for chemotherapy which can vary from a small injection over a few minutes, a short infusion of up to 30 minutes, or longer infusions over the course of a couple of hours or even a couple of days.

Methods of intravenous chemotherapy

Intravenous chemotherapy can be given via four different methods:
  • Cannula: A small tube inserted into a vein in the back of your hand, or your arm.
  • Central Line: A thin, flexible tube inserted though the skin of the chest into a vein near the heart. Hickman® or Groshong® lines are common types and can stay in place for many months.
  • PICC Line: A thin, flexible tube passed into a vein in the bend or upper part of your arm and threaded through the vein until the end of the tube lies in a vein near the heart. PICC lines can stay in place for many months.
  • Portacath: A thin, soft plastic tube that is put into a vein. It has an opening (port) just under the skin on your chest or arm.

Chemotherapy can affect your sense of taste and smell, dull your appetite and make you feel sick.  It may also make your mouth and throat sore or sensitive to hot and cold food and drink. 

Biological Therapy

Biological treatments, including cetuximab, bevacizumab and panitumumab, are a newer type of medication known as monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies that have been genetically engineered in a laboratory. They target special proteins found on the surface of cancer cells, known as epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR). As EGFRs help the cancer to grow, by targeting these proteins, biological treatments can help prevent the cancer spreading.

Biological treatments are usually used in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
These treatments are not available to everyone with bowel cancer. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has determined specific criteria which need to be met before they can be prescribed. Cetuximab is only available on the NHS when:
  • bowel cancer has spread to the liver and cannot be removed using surgery
  • surgery to remove the cancer in the colon or rectum has been carried out or is possible
  • a person is fit enough to undergo surgery to remove the cancer from the liver if this becomes possible after treatment with cetuximab.

Bevacizumab and panitumumab are not available on the NHS. All these medications are available privately but are very expensive. The medication is usually given in combination with chemotherapy.

Source: NHS Choices.