Coeliac disease

Coeliac disease is a common digestive condition where the small intestine becomes inflamed and unable to absorb nutrients. It can cause a range of symptoms including diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bloating.
Coeliac disease is caused by an adverse reaction to gluten, a dietary protein found in three types of cereal:
  • wheat 
  • barley 
  • rye 
Gluten is found in any food that contains the above cereals, including:
  • pasta 
  • cakes 
  • breakfast cereals 
  • most types of bread 
  • certain types of sauces 
  • some types of ready meals 
In addition, most beers are made from barley.


An abscess is a painful collection of pus, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Abscesses can develop anywhere in the body. This article focuses on two types of abscess:
  • skin abscesses – which develop under the skin 
  • internal abscesses – which develop inside the body, in an organ or in the spaces between organs 
Symptoms of an abscess
A skin abscess often appears as a swollen, pus-filled lump under the surface of the skin. You may also have other symptoms of an infection, such as a high temperature (fever) and chills. It is more difficult to identify an abscess inside the body, but signs include:
  • pain in the affected area 
  • a high temperature 
  • generally feeling unwell 

Von Willebrand disease

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a common inherited condition that can sometimes cause heavy bleeding. People with VWD have a low level of a substance called von Willebrand factor in their blood, or this substance doesn't work very well.
Von Willebrand factor helps blood cells stick together (clot) when you bleed. If there isn't enough of it or it doesn't work properly, it takes longer for bleeding to stop. There is currently no cure for VWD, but it doesn't usually cause serious problems and most people with it can live normal, active lives.


Bunions are bony lumps that form on the side of the feet. Surgery is the only way to get rid of them, but there are things you can do to ease any pain they cause.

Symptoms of bunions include:
You may also have pain along the side or bottom of your feet. This is usually worse when wearing shoes and walking.


An X-ray is a quick and painless procedure commonly used to produce images of the inside of the body. It's a very effective way of looking at the bones and can be used to help detect a range of conditions.
X-rays are usually carried out in hospital X-ray departments by trained specialists called radiographers, although they can also be done by other healthcare professionals, such as dentists.
How X-rays work
X-rays are a type of radiation that can pass through the body. They can't be seen by the naked eye and you can't feel them. As they pass through the body, the energy from X-rays is absorbed at different rates by different parts of the body. A detector on the other side of the body picks up the X-rays after they've passed through and turns them into an image.